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Recognize, Understand and Improve these Employee and Employer Issues

Employee Concerns/Focus:

  • Transportation
  • Childcare
  • Financial Pressures
  • Stress
  • Relationship Conflicts
  • Aging Parents
  • Substance Abuse
  • Public Benefits
  • Housing/Foreclosure

Employer Concerns/Focus:

  • Increased Productivity
  • Reduced Absenteeism
  • HR Productivity Increased
  • Increased EAP Use
  • Employer of Choice
  • Increased Retention
  • Reduced Training Costs
  • Outsourced Social Work
  • Reduced Recruiting Cost

Workplace Stability Resources:

Download Ruth’s Workplace Stability Questionnaire handout for part 2 of Workplace Stability Webinar.

Download Here

Register today for our next webinar!

Wednesday, February 23 11 am PST

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Author Partners Personnel

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