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Workplace safety does not depend solely on guidelines and policies; it is also based on how you execute them and communicate them. It is important to identify unsafe behaviors and make well-informed safety decisions during your daily tasks in order to avoid unnecessary accidents that may threaten your work and wellbeing.

Safety should always be a priority in the workplace. Are you taking the right precautions? Here are some tips every employee should know to create a safe workplace:

Be aware of your surroundings

    Knowledge is the key for this tip. Make sure you know where the emergency exits are located and that they are not blocked at any time. It is also important to know the particular hazards of your job and be alert of machinery.

Use tools and machines properly

    Be cautious and take the proper precautions when using tools and machinery. Accidents most commonly occur when taking shortcuts in an effort to save time; using tools the right way reduces the chance of getting hurt.

Use mechanical aids whenever possible

    If you have already been trained to use it and/or you have authorization, make sure you use forklifts or hydraulic dollies to lift heavy items.

Wear the correct safety equipment

    Safety equipment should be implemented in order to minimize workplace injuries. Appropriate eyewear and hard hats should be worn when required.

Keep correct posture to protect your back

    Before lifting and moving items, make sure the route you are taking has no obstacles. The load should not obstruct your view and make sure to follow the proper operating procedures such as pushing instead of pulling. Leaning in the direction that is being travelled will protect your back.

Report unsafe conditions to your supervisor

    Eliminate any potential safety hazards by ensuring all working areas are free of “slip and trip” hazards and by reporting to your superiors any cracks and pits in the flooring as they can cause serious injuries.

Workplace safety is the responsibility of everyone at your job. We all play a role in keeping the workplace safe and free from hazards. Make sure to follow these tips to keep your workplace safe for yourself and your coworkers. Always remember: Safety First!

Author Partners Personnel

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